if (($ord>=48)&&($ord<=57)) { $mLimit = (int)($mL); } else { $mLimit = (int)substr($mL,0,-1); } } if($mLimit>0){ if($u == 'M'){ $mLimit *= 1048576; } else if($u == 'G'){ $mLimit *= 1073741824; } else if($u == 'K'){ $mLimit *= 1024; } $mTest = $mLimit - 5242880; // 5 MB reserve if($mTest<=0){ $m = 'Increase your php memory limit, which is much too low to run VM, your current memory limit is set as '.$mL.' = '.$mLimit.'B'; vmError($m,$m); } } } if($mLimit<=0) $mLimit = ((int)VmConfig::get('givenMaxRam', 2048)) * 1024 * 1024; vmdebug('My Memory Limit in Bytes '.$mLimit); } return $mLimit; } /** * Returns the PHP memory limit of the server in MB, regardless the used unit * @author Max Milbers * @return float|int PHP memory limit in MB */ static function getMemoryLimit(){ static $mLimit; if($mLimit===null){ $mL = ini_get('memory_limit'); $mLimit = 0; if(!empty($mL)){ $u = strtoupper(substr($mL,-1)); $mLimit = (int)substr($mL,0,-1); if($mLimit>0){ if($u == 'M'){ //$mLimit = $mLimit * 1048576; } else if($u == 'G'){ $mLimit *= 1024; } else if($u == 'K'){ $mLimit *= 0.0009765625; //*1024 } else { $mLimit = $mLimit / 1048576.0; } $mLimit = (int) $mLimit - 5; // 5 MB reserve if($mLimit<=0){ $mLimit = 1; $m = 'Increase your php memory limit, which is must too low to run VM, your current memory limit is set as '.$mL.' ='.$mLimit.'MB'; vmError($m,$m); } } } if($mLimit<=0) $mLimit = (int)VmConfig::get('givenMaxRam', 2048); vmdebug('My Memory Limit in MB '.$mLimit); } return $mLimit; } static function ensureExecutionTime($minTime=0){ if($minTime === 0) $minTime = (int) VmConfig::get('minTime',120); $max_execution_time = self::getExecutionTime(); if((int)$max_execution_time<$minTime) { @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', $minTime ); } } static function getExecutionTime(){ $max_execution_time = (int) ini_get('max_execution_time'); if(empty($max_execution_time) || ($max_execution_time <= 0)){ $max_execution_time = (int) VmConfig::get('givenMaxTime',120); @ini_set( 'max_execution_time', $max_execution_time ); } return $max_execution_time; } static private $cache; /** * * @param string $group * @param string $handler * @param null $storage * @return mixed */ public static function getCache($group = '', $handler = 'callback', $storage = null, $site = true) { $hash = $group . $handler . $storage; if (isset(self::$cache[$hash])) { return self::$cache[$hash]; } $handler = ($handler == 'function') ? 'callback' : $handler; if($site){ $p = VMPATH_ROOT; } else { $p = VMPATH_ADMINISTRATOR; } $conf = JFactory::getConfig(); $options = array( 'defaultgroup' => $group, 'caching' => true, 'cachebase' => $conf->get('cache_path', $p . '/cache') ); if (isset($storage)) { $options['storage'] = $storage; } else { $options['storage'] = $conf->get('cache_handler', ''); } $cache = JCache::getInstance($handler, $options); self::$cache[$hash] = $cache; return self::$cache[$hash]; } /* * Set default language tag for translatable table * @deprecated please use vmLanguage::setLanguageByTag * @author Max Milbers * @return string valid langtag */ static public function setdbLanguageTag($siteLang = false) { return vmLanguage::setLanguageByTag($siteLang); } /** * @deprecated please use vmLanguage::loadJLang */ static public function loadJLang($name, $site = false, $tag = 0, $cache = true){ return vmLanguage::loadJLang($name, $site, $tag, $cache); } /** * @deprecated please usevmLanguage::loadModJLang */ static public function loadModJLang($name){ return vmLanguage::loadModJLang($name); } static $iniLang = true; static $execTrigger = true; /** * Loads the configuration and works as singleton therefore called static. The call using the program cache * is 10 times faster then taking from the session. The session is still approx. 30 times faster then using the file. * The db is 10 times slower then the session. * * Performance: * * Fastest is * Program Cache: 1.5974044799805E-5 * Session Cache: 0.00016094612121582 * * First config db load: 0.00052118301391602 * Parsed and in session: 0.001554012298584 * * After install from file: 0.0040450096130371 * Parsed and in session: 0.0051419734954834 * * * Functions tests if already loaded in program cache, session cache, database and at last the file. * * Load the configuration values from the database into a session variable. * This step is done to prevent accessing the database for every configuration variable lookup. * * @author Max Milbers * @param $force boolean Forces the function to load the config from the db */ static public function loadConfig($force = FALSE,$fresh = FALSE, $lang = true, $exeTrig = true) { static $defined = false; if(!$defined){ JLoader::register('vmDefines', JPATH_ROOT.'/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/helpers/vmdefines.php'); //In WP, we run the define, when we render vm, in Joomla we have to run them here if(defined('JVERSION')){ VmDefines::defines(JFactory::getApplication()->getName()); require_once(VMPATH_ADMIN .'/helpers/vmecho.php'); } $defined = true; } if($fresh){ self::$_jpConfig = new VmConfig(); if($lang and VmConfig::$iniLang){ vmLanguage::initialise(); VmConfig::$iniLang = false; } return self::$_jpConfig; } vmStartTimer('loadConfig'); $app = JFactory::getApplication(vmDefines::$_appId); if(!$force){ if(!empty(self::$_jpConfig) && !empty(self::$_jpConfig->_params)){ //vmdebug('Return existing config ', (int)VmConfig::$iniLang, (int)VmConfig::$execTrigger); if($lang and VmConfig::$iniLang){ vmLanguage::initialise(); VmConfig::$iniLang = false; } if($exeTrig and VmConfig::$execTrigger){ // try plugins $isSite = VmConfig::isSite(); vDispatcher::importVMPlugins('vmuserfield'); if($isSite){ //vmdebug('Execute trigger plgVmInitialise'); VmConfig::$execTrigger = false; vDispatcher::trigger( 'plgVmInitialise', array() ); } } return self::$_jpConfig; } } self::$_jpConfig = new VmConfig(); $configTable = VirtueMartModelConfig::checkConfigTableExists(); $db = JFactory::getDbo(); self::$installed = true; if(!VmConfig::isSiteByApp()){ $install = vRequest::getInt('install',false); $redirected = vRequest::getInt('redirected',false); if($install or $redirected){ self::$installed = false; } } else { $install = $redirected = false; } $link=''; $msg = ''; if(empty($configTable) ){ self::$installed = false; vmLanguage::initialise(); vmLanguage::loadJLang('com_virtuemart'); $q = 'SELECT `element` FROM `#__extensions` WHERE type = "language" and enabled = "1" and state="0"'; $db->setQuery($q); $knownLangs = $db->loadColumn(); //vmdebug('Selected language '.$selectedLang.' $knownLangs ',$knownLangs); if(!VmConfig::isSiteByApp() and !$redirected and !in_array(vmLanguage::$currLangTag,$knownLangs)){ $msg = 'Install your selected language '.vmLanguage::$currLangTag.' in joomla language manager'; $app->enqueueMessage($msg); } self::$installed = VirtueMartModelConfig::checkVirtuemartInstalled(); if(!self::$installed){ if(!$redirected and !$install){ $link = 'index.php?option=com_virtuemart&view=updatesmigration&redirected=1&nosafepathcheck=1'; if(VmConfig::isSiteByApp()){ $link = JUri::root(true).'/administrator/'.$link; } else { if(empty($msg)) $msg = 'COM_VM_INSTALLATION_INFO'; } } } } else { $query = ' SELECT `config` FROM `#__virtuemart_configs` WHERE `virtuemart_config_id` = "1";'; $db->setQuery($query); self::$_jpConfig->_raw = $db->loadResult(); //vmTime('time to load config','loadConfig'); } if(empty(self::$_jpConfig->_raw)){ vmLanguage::initialise(); VmConfig::$iniLang = false; $_value = VirtueMartModelConfig::readConfigFile(); if (!$_value) { vmError('Serious error, config file could not be read'); return FALSE; } $_value = implode('|', $_value); self::$_jpConfig->_raw = $_value; self::$_jpConfig->setParams(self::$_jpConfig->_raw); self::updateDbEntry(); } else { self::$_jpConfig->setParams(self::$_jpConfig->_raw); } $opts = array('_debug'=>self::showDebug(), 'echoAdmin' => vmAccess::manager('core.manage')); VmEcho::setOpts($opts); if($lang and VmConfig::$iniLang){ vmLanguage::initialise(); VmConfig::$iniLang = false; vmLanguage::debugLangVars(); } self::$_secret = JFactory::getConfig()->get('secret'); self::$_jpConfig->_params['sctime'] = microtime(TRUE); self::$_jpConfig->_params['vmlang'] = self::$vmlang; //vmTime('time to load config','loadConfig'); if(!self::$installed){ //$user = JFactory::getUser(); //if($user->authorise('core.admin','com_virtuemart') and ($install or $redirected)){ if(vmAccess::manager('core.admin') and ($install or $redirected)){ VmConfig::$_jpConfig->set('dangeroustools',1); } if(!empty($msg)){ vmLanguage::loadJLang('com_virtuemart_config'); $app->enqueueMessage(vmText::_($msg), vmEcho::$mType); } if(!empty($link)) $app->redirect($link); } if($exeTrig and VmConfig::$execTrigger){ $isSite = VmConfig::isSite(); vDispatcher::importVMPlugins('vmuserfield'); if($isSite){ VmConfig::$execTrigger = false; vDispatcher::trigger('plgVmInitialise', array()); } } vmTime('time to load config param $lang='.$lang.' and iniLang='.(int)VmConfig::$iniLang. ' $exeTrig = '.(int)$exeTrig.' now = '.(int)VmConfig::$execTrigger,'loadConfig'); return self::$_jpConfig; } /** * Imports VM-Plugin in the correct order of types ( * @deprecated Use class vDispatcher instead. * @param $ptype */ static function importVMPlugins($ptype){ vDispatcher::importVMPlugins($ptype); } /** * Writes the params as string and escape them before * @author Max Milbers */ function toString(){ $raw = ''; foreach(self::$_jpConfig->_params as $paramkey => $value){ //Texts get broken, when serialized, therefore we do a simple encoding, //btw we need serialize for storing arrays note by Max Milbers $raw .= $paramkey.'='.json_encode($value).'|'; } self::$_jpConfig->_raw = substr($raw,0,-1); return self::$_jpConfig->_raw; } /** * Find the configuration value for a given key * * @author Max Milbers * @param string $key Key name to lookup * @return Value for the given key name */ static function get($key, $default='',$allow_load=FALSE) { $value = ''; if ($key) { if (empty(self::$_jpConfig->_params) && $allow_load) { self::loadConfig(); } if (!empty(self::$_jpConfig->_params) and isset(self::$_jpConfig->_params[$key])) { $value = self::$_jpConfig->_params[$key]; } else { $value = $default; } } else { $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $app -> enqueueMessage('VmConfig get, empty key given'); return $default; } return $value; } static function getInt($key, $default=0){ return intval(self::get($key, $default)); } static function getFloat($key, $default=0.0){ return floatval(self::get($key, $default)); } static function set($key, $value){ if (empty(self::$_jpConfig->_params)) { self::loadConfig(); } //if($admin = JFactory::getUser()->authorise('core.admin', 'com_virtuemart')){ if (!empty(self::$_jpConfig->_params)) { self::$_jpConfig->_params[$key] = $value; } //} } /** * For setting params, needs assoc array * @author Max Milbers */ function setParams($params){ $config = explode('|', $params); foreach($config as $item){ $item = explode('=',$item,2); if(!empty($item[1])){ $value = self::parseJsonUnSerialize($item[1],$item[0]); if($value!==null){ $pair[$item[0]] = $value; } } else { $pair[$item[0]] =''; } } self::$_jpConfig->_params = $pair; } public static function parseJsonUnSerialize($in,$b64Str = false){ $value = json_decode($in ,$b64Str); $ser = false; switch(json_last_error()) { case JSON_ERROR_DEPTH: echo ' - Maximum stack depth exceeded'; return null; case JSON_ERROR_CTRL_CHAR: echo ' - Unexpected control character found'; $ser = true; break; case JSON_ERROR_SYNTAX: //echo ' - Syntax error, malformed JSON'; $ser = true; break; case JSON_ERROR_NONE: return $value; } if($ser){ try { if($b64Str and $b64Str==='offline_message' ){ $value = @unserialize(base64_decode($in) ); } else { $value = @unserialize( $in ); } vmdebug('Error in Json_encode use unserialize ',$in,$value); return $value; }catch (Exception $e) { vmdebug('Exception in loadConfig for unserialize '. $e->getMessage(),$in); } } } /** * Find the currently installed version * * @author RickG * @param boolean $includeDevStatus True to include the development status * @return String of the currently installed version */ static function getInstalledVersion($includeDevStatus=FALSE) { return vmVersion::$RELEASE.' '.vmVersion::$CODENAME.' '.vmVersion::$REVISION; } /** * @deprecated * @return mixed */ static public function isSuperVendor($uid = 0){ return vmAccess::isSuperVendor($uid); } static private $isSite = null; static private $siteByApp = null; static public function isSite(){ if(self::$isSite===null){ if(!self::isSiteByApp() or vmAccess::isManagingFE(0)){ self::$isSite = false; } else { self::$isSite = true; } } return self::$isSite; } static function isSiteByApp(){ if(vmDefines::$_appId=='site'){ self::$siteByApp = true; } else { self::$siteByApp = false; } return self::$siteByApp; } static public function updateDbEntry(){ $user = JFactory::getUser(); if($user->authorise('core.admin','com_virtuemart')){ $installed = VirtueMartModelConfig::checkVirtuemartInstalled(); if(!$installed) { VirtueMartModelConfig::installVMconfigTable(); } $confData = array(); $confData['virtuemart_config_id'] = 1; $confData['config'] = self::$_jpConfig->toString(); VmTable::addIncludePath(VMPATH_ADMIN.'/tables','Table'); JFactory::getDbo(); $confTable = VmTable::getInstance('configs', 'Table', array()); if (!$confTable->bindChecknStore($confData)) { vmError('storeConfig was not able to store config'); return false; } else { return true; } } } } Σφάλμα: 0 Class 'VmConfig' not found

Σφάλμα: 0 Class 'VmConfig' not found

Αρχική Σελίδα
